At INTERXIA PACKAGING (PRIVATE) LIMITED, our dedication to delivering excellence encompasses every facet of your interaction with us. In the unlikely event of an issue arising with your order, we are committed to promptly addressing it with care through our comprehensive return and refund policy.
Should you discover any variance from your specifications upon receipt of your order, we kindly request that you notify us within three business days. Please contact us expeditiously via email at to communicate any concerns.
a. While we uphold stringent quality standards at INTERXIA PACKAGING (PRIVATE) LIMITED, in the event of an error on our part or if a product is deemed defective, we will proceed with reprinting your original order at no additional cost. The determination of defects is entrusted to the discretion of our management team.
b. To initiate the reprint process for your original order, we kindly request clear documentation or photographic evidence depicting the observed discrepancies.
Products subject to dispute are not for your use and must be returned to us in their entirety. In adherence to our commitment to quality assurance, we reserve the right to conduct a thorough inspection of the returned items to verify the reported discrepancies.
Your satisfaction is paramount to us. If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding our return and refund policy, we encourage you to connect with our dedicated customer support team at We are wholly dedicated to ensuring that your experience with our products and services surpasses your expectations.